Reflecting The last time I wrote something looking at what I’ve done and what I plan to do as I go forward was in March of 2021. At that…
Let's Encrypt has been a fantastic resource for any independent developer trying to stand up a website on their own with the smallest amount…
Rust is a great tool because it allows compiling native code. This means you do not need to have a runtime installed on a target machine…
2020 was a year of significant growth for me - I had started with a set of goals, some quite lofty, and some that I could just not…
Quick setup for using GitHub (or any second remote repository) as a mirror for a privately maintained repo
Setting up a CardDAV server on my Synology NAS and connecting clients to it for a centralized solution to managing my contacts while maintaining ownership over my data
As we enter a new decade I've started to pay attention to what I actually want to start getting out of my life, and I want to use this as an…